The Journal of

Sport & Exercise ScienceTM

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Youth basketball in New Zealand: Establishing performance norms in the context of ‘Balance is Better’

Lee-Anne Taylor1*, Patrick Lander1, Russell Rayner1,2
1Eastern Institute of Technology – Te Aho Māui, Te Kura Kaupapa Hauora, Hākinakina – School of Health and Sport Science, New Zealand
2Charles Sturt University, School of Allied Health, Exercise and Sports Sciences, Australia

An expected wins approach using Fisher’s Exact Test to identify the bogey effect in sports: An application to tennis

Rory P. Bunker1*, Calvin Yeung1, Keisuke Fujii1,2,3
1Graduate School of Informatics, Nagoya University, Japan
2RIKEN Advanced Intelligence Project, Japan
3PRESTO Japan Science and Technology Agency, Japan

Effects of three weeks of aerobic blood flow restriction completed before daily training on running performance and resting hemodynamic measures in trained runners

Alexander H. K. Montoye1*, Jackson T. Nordbeck1, Benjamin A. Cox2, Munni Begum3, Drew M. Lazar3, Jennifer R. Vranish1
1Department of Integrative Physiology and Health Science, Alma College, USA
2Cox Sports Medicine and Orthopedic Surgery, USA
3Department of Mathematical Sciences, Ball State University, USA

Pattern recognition in soccer: Perceptions of skilled defenders and experienced coaches

James Feist1*, Oliver R. Runswick2, Ed Hope3, Jamie S. North4, Chris Pocock1
1University of Chichester, Institute of Applied Sciences, United Kingdom
2King’s College London, Department of Psychology, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience, United Kingdom
3Liverpool John Moores, Faculty of Science, School of Sport and Exercise Sciences, United Kingdom
4St. Mary’s University, Twickenham, Faculty of Sport, Allied Health and Performance Science, United Kingdom

Career entry and early experiences of sport scientists in Australia

Lyndell Bruce1*, Brad Aisbett2, Peter Kremer1
1Centre for Sport Research within Institute of Physical Activity and Nutrition, School of Exercise and Nutrition Sciences, Deakin University, Australia
2Institute of Physical Activity and Nutrition, School of Exercise and Nutrition Sciences, Deakin University, Australia

Perception of body image, use of dietary supplements, and doping among male gym trainers in Sri Lanka

Maramba Vidanage Chandima Madushani 1, Thalagalage Shalika Harshani Perera 1,2, Ajmol Ali 2, David Stephen Rowlands2*, Dingirige Sameera Lakruwan Perera3
1Department of Sport Sciences and Physical Education, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka
2School of Sport, Exercise and Nutrition, Collage of Health, Massey University, New Zealand
3Department of Sports Science, Faculty of Applied Sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka

Sport psychology consultation: The attitudes of New Zealand athletes

Sam Richardson1*, Warrick Wood1, Toby Mundel1,2
1School of Sport Exercise and Nutrition, Massey University, New Zealand
2Department of Kinesiology, Brock University, Canada

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